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Planting flowers for our wild pollinators

Bee Mission isn’t just about getting as many bees and beehives installed as possible, as this can have a negative effect on natural pollinators if there isn’t enough pollen to go around.

We work with bee conservationists to ensure we also help the wild pollinators. We are committed to planting wild meadows and gardens wherever possible on our own land, and encourage the communities around our beehives to plant as many wildflowers as possible too.

How can you help?
You don’t need a big garden to help our wild pollinators. A window box, patio or any spare space in a garden can make a beautiful medley of wild flowers and herbs which can help boost the bee population.

Below are just a few ideas of flowers that can be planted and the times of year they flower... and watch this space for more information about what, when and where to plant bee-friendly flowers.


SHADE:- Lungwort, Hellebove, Comfrey and winter heather.
SUNNY:- Crocus, Dicentra, Pieris, and California lilac.
HERBS:- Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, mint and chives


SHADE:- Borage, Aquilegia, Strawberries and Monkshood
SUNNY:- Lavender, Viper’s bugloss, Geraniums and Foxgloves


SHADE:- Catmint, Mahonia and Ground Ivy
SUNNY: Sunflower, Honey suckle, Cosmos and Verbena


Hellebores, Willows, Crocuses, Snowdrops and winter flowering Clematis