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Honey glazed salmon


100g honey 

60ml soy sauce 

2tbsp lemon juice 

1tsp chilli flakes 

3tbsp olive oil 

4 x 170g salmon filets  


Freshly ground black pepper 

3 cloves of crushed garlic

Rosemary for garnish 


1. Mix together the honey, soy sauce, lemon juice and chilli flakes 

2. Heat a large frying pan over a medium heat and add the oil. When the oil is hot but not smoking add the salmon skin-side up. Cook for approximately 6 mins until golden and flip

3. Add the garlic to the pan, season with salt and pepper and cook for 1 minute. Add the honey mixture and cook until the sauce has reduced but about 1/3. Baste the salmon with the sauce. 

4. Serve with steamed rice and vegetables of your choice, garnish with rosemary.